Pursuit Next 101
In November of 2014 God began to speak to Cheryl and Matt about planting Pursuit City Church. By July of 2015 God opened the doors to begin that process and Cheryl and Matt moved from San Antonio, Tx to their new city, Corpus Christi. In March of 2016 the first interest meeting was held and over the next several months the planning stages of the church was born. On September 18th 2016, the first Worship Service ever for Pursuit City was held at Faye Webb Elementary School. With just a few in attendance the vision was birthed and the future was placed in God’s hands. The journey however is still young and fresh, this gives people the opportunity to jump in to something that is organic and challenging. We hope you join the journey with us!
Our Mission: To Lead people to know the Love of Jesus.
Our Vision: To plant Churches that are life-changing.
Our Method: To reach 1% of our city with the Gospel.
Love – We express the love of Jesus to the world
Serve – We give God our best in everything we do
Prayer - God’s House will be a House of Prayer
Worship - We worship what we behold, we keep our eyes on Jesus.
The Commission
Acts 1:8 New Living Translation (NLT)
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Our City - Local Outreach (YMF, Street Store, outdoor events).
Our Nation - (Refuge Church San Antonio Texas, The Prodigal Center Hunts Point New York)
Our World - (A21 for the fight against Human trafficking, Homes for the Homeless in Reynosa Mexico, Kufikia International in Kenya Africa)
How to share Christ
1. Accept responsibility – You are Gods plan
2. Build a personal relationship
3. Share your story
4. Give a personal invite to Church
The Ministry Team - Ephesians 4:11-12
11And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the [e]edifying of the body of Christ.
· Every member is a minister
· Every task is important
· Every member is a 10 in some area
Church Government
· Pastors - Matt and Cheryl Gamez
· Overseers - Pastor Richard Robles, Pastor Warren Beamer (deceased)
· Board of Trustees - Pastor Henry Porter, Pastor Manuel Magaña and Arlena Sones.
· Elders - Stacey and Mark Swartz - Rick and Jennifer Bunger
· Leadership Team - click here
· Leadership Pipeline
We Practice…
· Tithes and offerings (funds are not income, it’s worship)
· We run the same play at the same time.